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Activate WP Telegram License

After purchasing WP Telegram, you can proceed to activate its license key on your website. Just follow the below steps to activate the license:

  1. Go to the WP Telegram website to purchase it
  2. Choose the plan you need and fill out the fields to complete the order process
  3. After that, you will see the below page. Click the ManageDomains button.
  4. Add the domain you want to activate the license on and Save it.
  5. The license will automatically be activated on your website.

Change Your Domain

If you have already bought a license and it’s activated, you can change your domain by checking out these steps:

  1. Go to your Account on the WP Telegram website.
  2. Go to the Orders tab and click on the View button.
  3. On your order’s information, you can Manage Domains and change your current domain.

The Plugin with Domain is available for sale!


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